What Do Your Readers Want on Your Website? Find Out!

There are many things that we hear that people want on an author website: a bio, photos, a list of books, etc…

But every author is different, and every group of readers is different. Someone who visits the website of an author who writes about campaign finance reform probably is looking for something different than the 13-year-old who wants to learn more about a YA author.

Given the number of author websites I’ve worked on, I generally have a good idea of what works for each genre. But you know what could be even more beneficial? Hearing from your readers directly!

We could build a website for you that WE think is cool, hip, and chock full of information, but what really matters is what the readers think.

With that in mind, consider using the free survey service: SurveyMonkey.com. Use this easy survey tool to ask your readers what they like on your current site, what they would love to see on the site, and what their favorite things are on other author websites. Find out how frequently they’d like to be updated, if they would be interested in doing live chats, etc…

Make sure your readers are asked to participate in the survey by including links on your homepage, touting the survey on your blog, inviting all your Facebook fans to participate, and including links to it in all your emails.

The results of the survey may surprise you. But, I guarantee, they will be invaluable.