The Most Ridiculous Myths About Writing and Writers

Image courtesy of Feelart/
Image courtesy of Feelart/

I came across a really interesting conversation on LinkedIn this morning. The question: What are the most ridiculous myths you’ve heard about writing and writers.

Here are the responses I’ve found (so far). And please use the comments section at the bottom to share your own!

That people don’t judge a book by it’s cover.
Of course, they do. (This includes endorsements on cover etc.)
What else do they have to go on, unless someone has recommended it.

Writing’s easy and we all make as much as Grisham or King
steve hann

That you will have no trouble talking about it at a party.
Brent Smith

They make a lot of money.
Jacci Turner

Writers are inherently antisocial. The disclaimer at the beginning of every novel: “All characters, locations…are fictional and figments of the author’s imagination.” Well, what inspired those aforementioned figments? Social interactions and life experiences.
Brittany Sanders


I’ll add one of my own here as well. I’ll say that one of the most ridiculous myths is that all you have to do is write a good book and it will sell itself. That is soooo not the case. Being a successful author requires being a good marketer as well. And that’s true whether you self publish your book or go through a traditional publishing house. Writing a good book is just step one. Promoting it is just as important.

Okay, your turn! What is the most ridiculous myth you’ve heard about writers? Share it below!