Authors: Avoid the ‘Link Dump’

Most authors out there who have created a blog are trying every method possible to get traffic to it (see my blog entry last week on the subject). But here’s one method they shouldn’t be trying: link dumping.

What is “link dumping?” It’s simply posting links to your blog post wherever you can: LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, etc… Most users just find those types of links too self-promotional. And, in some circles (LinkedIn groups, for example), it can get your comments banned from the conversation.

So how is an author supposed to include links to their blog entries without being guilty of link dumping? Here are three ideas, courtesy of Internet and Marketing Report.

1. Write intriguing text to go with your link. Ask a question that people want an answer to, and then link to your blog for more.

2. Explain the post. Rather than just posting a link, be very clear about what people will get if they click on it.

3. Do more than just self-promote. It’s okay to post sometimes with a link to your blog. But don’t do that all the time. Sometimes, write interesting copy specifically for the site that you’re on. Also consider linking to other people’s relevant posts and comments. People will be more likely to read your comments/tweets/posts if they aren’t always self-promotional.

Good luck with your traffic driving!