More Author Blogging Tips

I know … I blog a lot about blogging. But it wasn’t always this way. In fact, I didn’t start this blog until about a year ago. After all, who has the time to sit down and do this regularly? Who’s reading it anyway?

Well, I just got more proof that blogging really does make a difference. According to The Internet and Marketing Report, “web sites with active blogs that publish at least five articles a week attracted 6.9 times more organic search results and 1.12 times more referral traffic than sites without a blog.”

Get that? 6.9 times more traffic? Imagine how many more books you’d sell?

Now, it’s not easy to blog that frequently. I certainly don’t. But blog as often as you can. Or think outside the box and have other people who are knowledgeable in your subject post blog entries with you. The more content you have, the more site traffic you’ll get.

And one last thing … always remember to include a “Call to Action” in each blog post. That means plugging your book at least once. Ideally, include one link to buy your book, one link to sign up for your newsletter … and anything else you want people to do.

With that in mind ….

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